• LCD Screen Display Replacement for LAUNCH OBD Book OBDBook 6830
  • LCD Screen Display Replacement for LAUNCH OBD Book OBDBook 6830
  • LCD Screen Display Replacement for LAUNCH OBD Book OBDBook 6830

    LCD Screen Display Replacement for LAUNCH OBD Book OBDBook 6830

    Price:   $29.00

    • Model: LAUNCH-OBDBOOK-6830
    • Shipping Weight: 0.15kg
    • 55 Units in Stock
    • Manufactured by: LAUNCH

    Store Quantity Discount Policy

    2 - 32%
    4 - 54%
    6 - 75%
    8 - 96%
    10 + 10%
    * The way the Order Total modules work is that they show up at checkout time
    (complete orders today,deliverd around 29/12/2024)

    This LCD Screen Display fits LAUNCH OBDBook 6830 Auto Scanner.


    Package: LCD Screen x1;


    NOTE: There are 2 LCDs in the OBDBook 6830, if one of them failed, you need to buy 1pcs LCD, if both of them failed, you need to buy 2pcs.



    Mildred Hulett.
    Works fine. Excellent service.