This USB Cable fits Bartec TPMS PAD Programming Accessory Device.
Package: USB Cable x1;
The PAD is connected to the PC using a USB cable. If all is well with the PAD, the LED on the
PAD will illuminate steady blue.
When the PC runs the PAD program and the PAD is connected, it gets a list of supported vehicles
from the PAD. The available vehicles can be selected by using the mouse to click on the desired
make, model and year. Note that it is the PAD has the list of vehicles contained in an internal
database in its firmware. Firmware is like software but is stored on the PAD in flash memory unlike
software which is stored on a CD ROM or a disk drive. This means that when updates become
available, the firmware on the PAD has to be updated. This is done using the USB cable and is carried
out automatically when the PAD is registered and new software and firmware has been downloaded
to the PC from Bartec's website.